In [1]:
%pylab inline
#%matplotlib qt
from __future__ import division # use so 1/2 = 0.5, etc.
import sk_dsp_comm.sigsys as ss
import sk_dsp_comm.iir_design_helper as iir_d
import sk_dsp_comm.pyaudio_helper as pah
import scipy.signal as signal
import time
import sys
import imp # for module development and reload()
from IPython.display import Audio, display
from IPython.display import Image, SVG
In [2]:
pylab.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 100 # default 72
#pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (6.0, 4.0) # default (6,4)
#%config InlineBackend.figure_formats=['png'] # default for inline viewing
%config InlineBackend.figure_formats=['svg'] # SVG inline viewing
#%config InlineBackend.figure_formats=['pdf'] # render pdf figs for LaTeX
In [3]:
fs,s = ss.from_wav('OSR_us_000_0030_8k.wav')
soi = s[10000:40000]
n = arange(len(soi))
snoi = 0.4*cos(2*pi*1000/fs*n) + 0.5*cos(2*pi*1500/fs*n)
r = soi + snoi
title(r'Two Interfering Tones');
Look at the waveform and then listen to it.
In [4]:
# First save r to a wave file for static playback
Design a cascade of notch filters:
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title(r'The Interference is Overwhelming')
In [11]:
bn1, an1 = ss.fir_iir_notch(1000,8000)
bn2, an2 = ss.fir_iir_notch(1500,8000,.98) # tighten the bandwidth of the 12k notch
bn, an = ss.cascade_filters(bn1,an1,bn2,an2)
Now apply the filter to the composite signal::
In [18]:
z = signal.lfilter(bn,an,r)
In [4]:
# First save z to a wave file for static playback
(Placeholder, but start from ss.lms_ic
def lms_ic(r,M,mu,delta=1):
Least mean square (LMS) interference canceller adaptive filter.
A complete LMS adaptive filter simulation function for the case of
interference cancellation. Used in the digital filtering case study.
M : FIR Filter length (order M-1)
delta : Delay used to generate the reference signal
mu : LMS step-size
delta : decorrelation delay between input and FIR filter input
n : ndarray Index vector
r : ndarray noisy (with interference) input signal
r_hat : ndarray filtered output (NB_hat[n])
e : ndarray error sequence (WB_hat[n])
ao : ndarray final value of weight vector
F : ndarray frequency response axis vector
Ao : ndarray frequency response of filter
>>> # import a speech signal
>>> fs,s = from_wav('OSR_us_000_0030_8k.wav')
>>> # add interference at 1kHz and 1.5 kHz and
>>> # truncate to 5 seconds
>>> r = soi_snoi_gen(s,10,5*8000,[1000, 1500])
>>> # simulate with a 64 tap FIR and mu = 0.005
>>> n,r,r_hat,e,ao,F,Ao = lms_ic(r,64,0.005)
Consider flanging, which is a combination of a direct signal path and a time varying delay path. In digitalcom
there is a function for creating a time-varying delay, $\beta[n]$, that works well for communication systems impairments, but is useful here as well.
Understand that a time varying delay is compressing and expanding the time axis just like the Doppler effect. In music this causes the pitch to wobble, but at slow rates introduces a whooshing effect, made popular in rock music many years ago.
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The time varying delay in flanging takes the form: $$ \beta[n] = D_p \big(1+\cos(2\pi f_0/f_s)\big) $$ where here $D_p = 50$ and $f_0 \simeq 1$ Hz or less.
Import some sound files and set up the time varying delay.
In [4]:
import sk_dsp_comm.digitalcom as dc # for time delay
In [6]:
In [46]:
fs,s12 = ss.from_wav('Music_Test.wav')
In [10]:
# Processing is slow because the time axis interpolation is subsample-based
# Using a 3rd-order Lagrange interpolator
fs,s1 = ss.from_wav('c_major.wav')
#fs,s12 = ss.from_wav('Music_Test.wav')
#s1 = (s12[:,0] + s12[:,0])/2
n = arange(len(s1))
f0 = 1
Dp = 50
D = Dp*(1 + cos(2*pi*f0/fs*n))
x = dc.time_delay(s1,D + 2, 2*Dp+4)
x_wav = x # for PyAudio playback
In [11]:
# Flanged versions of c_major.wav and Music_Test.wav
In [6]:
In [7]:
# define callback
# Here we configure the callback to play back a wav file
def callback(in_data, frame_count, time_info, status):
# Ignore in_data when generating output only
global x
# Note wav is scaled to [-1,1] so need to rescale to int16
y = 32767*x.get_samples(frame_count)
# Save data for later analysis
# accumulate a new frame of samples
# Convert from float back to int16
y = y.astype(int16)
return y.tobytes(), pah.pyaudio.paContinue
In [13]:
x = pah.loop_audio(x_wav)
DSP_IO = pah.DSP_io_stream(callback,0,1,fs=44100,Tcapture=2) # may need to change time
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